November 1, 2020 USA Today: The best COVID-19 warning system? Poop and pooled spit, says one Colorado university.

Colorado State University has established more efficient and cost-effective methods for early detection of COVID-19 infections on campus.

October 26, 2020 NPR: Colleges Turn To Wastewater Testing In An Effort To Flush Out The Coronavirus

CSU was uniquely equipped to analyze wastewater samples for COVID-19, thanks to the Carol Wilusz Lab.

October 5, 2020 Targeted Testing: A team of CSU scientists work to curb the spread of COVID-19

Scientists across campus are conducting coronavirus surveillance through widespread wastewater and spit testing on campus.

September 16, 2020 Collegian: The science behind the on-campus wastewater testing at CSU

What is wastewater testing and how does it work to detect coronavirus infections at CSU?

August 12, 2020 CBS Denver: Your Raw Sewage Is Helping Researchers Battle COVID-19

Colorado wastewater tested by the Carol Wilusz Lab at Colorado State University is helping to predict outbreaks of COVID-19.

July 28, 2020 KUNC: In Colorado, Your Stool Is a Tool In The Fight Against Coronavirus

Community-wide wastewater testing holds tremendous value in tracking when, where and how COVID-19 has spread, according to Dr. Carol Wilusz.

July 27, 2020 CSU partners with state of Colorado on wastewater surveillance project to track spread of COVID-19

Carol Wilusz and her lab are testing samples from 16 Colorado wastewater districts to detect where COVID-19 outbreaks will happen.

December 10, 2019 Student researchers win honors at Graduate Showcase

Cell and Molecular Biology PhD student Adam Heck, mentored by Dr. Carol Wilusz, won an Undergraduate Choice: Research Top Scholar award in the 2019 Grad Show.

February 11, 2016 DNA analysis device a game-changer for researchers

The digital PCR system brought to campus by Dr. Carol Wilusz of the Molecular Quantification Core will help CSU researchers push the envelope.