Colorado State University has established more efficient and cost-effective methods for early detection of COVID-19 infections on campus.
CSU was uniquely equipped to analyze wastewater samples for COVID-19, thanks to the Carol Wilusz Lab.
Scientists across campus are conducting coronavirus surveillance through widespread wastewater and spit testing on campus.
What is wastewater testing and how does it work to detect coronavirus infections at CSU?
Colorado wastewater tested by the Carol Wilusz Lab at Colorado State University is helping to predict outbreaks of COVID-19.
Community-wide wastewater testing holds tremendous value in tracking when, where and how COVID-19 has spread, according to Dr. Carol Wilusz.
Carol Wilusz and her lab are testing samples from 16 Colorado wastewater districts to detect where COVID-19 outbreaks will happen.
Cell and Molecular Biology PhD student Adam Heck, mentored by Dr. Carol Wilusz, won an Undergraduate Choice: Research Top Scholar award in the 2019 Grad Show.
The digital PCR system brought to campus by Dr. Carol Wilusz of the Molecular Quantification Core will help CSU researchers push the envelope.