May 2021 – Biosurveillance for emerging viral pathogens of Ugandan bats Anna Fagre, Emma Harris, and Rebekah Kading by the famous Zika tower, in Zika Forest, Uganda, May 2021.Team members from CSU and Makerere University prepares to capture bats at Chekwobutoi cave in Kween District, Uganda, May 2021. Pictured: Lillian Nalukenge, Anna Fagre, Emma Harris, Rebekah Kading, Betty NalikkaRebekah Kading, Anna Fagre, and Emma Harris at the historic Uganda Virus Research Institute in Entebbe, founded in 1931. May 2021.Team members from CSU and Makerere University prepare to capture bats at Mise cave, in Kapchorwa District, Uganda. Pictured: Rebekah Kading, Teddy Nakayiki, Lillian Nalukenge, Jack Michael Mutebi, Benard Matovu, and Anna Fagre. May 2021.Anna Fagre gets set up to take blood samples from bats in Chekwobutoi cave, Uganda. Also pictured: Lillian Nalukenge from Makerere University and Teddy Nakayiki from Uganda Virus Research Institute. May 2021.Rebekah Kading, Emma Harris, and Anna Fagre at Zika Forest, Uganda, May 2021.