Ashley Freedman, a Biomedical Sciences undergraduate student concentrating in Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, was honored with a poster presentation award at the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minoritized Scientists (ABRCMS) in Pittsburg, PA.
A new faculty-led education abroad experience to Colombia combines hands-on undergraduate research experience and cultural exchange to collaboratively study soil bacteria of the páramo ecosystem.
Students in Carolina Mehaffy’s CURE lab contribute valuable new computational protein modeling data to a National Science Foundation project.
CSU’s Carolina Mehaffy, P.h.D., wins the University of Colorado Anschutzs’ 2020 Colorado Pilot Program Award for her work on the detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis proteins.
Dr. Carolina Mehaffey joins an multidisciplinary team of 20 researchers to advance what is known about the complex immune response necessary to prevent tuberculosis disease.
Focusing in on a particularly troubling type of TB bacteria, Carolina Mehaffy warns that the multidrug-resistant tuberculosis is a global public health problem.