The Perera Lab is firmly anti-racist.
We are committed to promoting Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) both within our lab and within our university and global communities.
We value individuals of any age, culture, mental/physical ability, ethnicity, first generation status, familial status, gender identity and expression, sex, geographic background, marital status, national origin, race, religious and spiritual beliefs, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, veteran status, or different perspectives and ideologies.
We know that existing in diverse, inclusive environments creates happier teams, fosters collaboration and innovation, and allows each of us to grow as scientists and global citizens.
However, we also recognize that there are still viewpoints and systems in place that create inequities for marginalized people that we must work to actively combat. We also recognize that our devotion to diversity, equity, and inclusion requires lifelong commitment to learning, developing, and challenging each of our own innate biases as well as the biases of those around us.
We vow to create an environment that is anti-racist and free from bias by taking the following actions:
- Working to provide equitable access to research and laboratory training for diverse individuals and under-represented minorities
- Self-education – Encouraging our lab members to participate in DEI training, workshops, and conferences to obtain tools to support DEI in our daily lives
- Incorporating discussions on DEI topics regularly into our weekly lab meetings
- Sharing resources with one another to broaden our historical knowledge and perspectives on DEI topics
- Working with our peers to promote DEI at the departmental, college and university levels and in our communities external to CSU
- Participating in the Women in Science Symposium, Diversity Symposium, Multicultural Undergraduate Research Art and Leadership Symposium (MURALS), and Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) conferences, and the Iverson Bell symposia at CSU, regionally and nationally.
- Actively working to both amplify the voices of under-represented groups and raising our own voices in allyship to engage with campus and community leadership and other entities on DEI topics.
The Perera Lab abides by Colorado State University’s Principles of Community.