Diana Lowe (Telling lab), Elena Lian (Jackson lab) and Jebrail Dempsey (Hemming-Schroeder & Foy labs), were each awarded a 2024-25 VPR Graduate fellowship.
Student researcher Zoe Atkinson wins Highest Honors at CURC for her research poster, “Gene-targeted mice expressing cervid prion protein efficiently peripheralize CWD prions to extraneural tissues.”
PhD candidate Diana Lowe presented her research poster, “Will chronic wasting disease spread in Nordic country” at the 2024 STEM Day at the Colorado State Capitol.
Graduate Research Assistant Diana Lowe wins the One Health Institute’s Award for Research Excellence at the 2023 GradShow.
Glenn Telling and leading experts discuss how chronic wasting disease impacts cervid populations around the globe and new info on prion-related infectious agents.
Julie Sun, Cell & Molecular Biology PhD alum and post-doctoral fellow in the Telling Lab, was selected as the 2022-23 CMB Outstanding Graduate.
Undergraduate Telling Lab researcher and engineering student EmmaKate Raisley received a 2023 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship to complete a PhD in Bioengineering at Rice University.
Glenn Telling, the director of the CSU Prion Research Center, and Sarah Gregory discuss a new prion strain as a cause of chronic wasting disease in a Finland moose.
First year Microbiology PhD student Leo Tyer, mentored by Glenn Telling, received 2nd place Early-Stage Basic Research for their poster on North American and Scandinavian CWD prions.